Creche Tweede Kamer


Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal Den Haag


The client asked for flexibility as well as reversibility. Additionally, two basic design principles were of importance to them.
In the first place, the transformation of the 7th floor into one single space with a totally new atmosphere; completely different from the existing (standard) office spaces on the other floors.
This is particularly important because the original purpose of this building was entirely different from its new purpose, which is looking after children in the age of 0 to 4 years old.
Secondly, the creation of a space that -in terms of form and materialisation- is in balance with the mobile furniture units in order to retain a sense of unity.
In other words, a playful and yet powerful alteration.

Creche Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal
Binnenhof 4
2513 AA The Hague

Client: Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal, Den Haag
Project management: Rijksgebouwendienst / RijksVastgoedBedrijf Den Haag
Design: Winfried van Zeeland with Maarten Meester en Marko Stout
Contractor: Bergen Henegouwen Bouwers, Den Haag
Completion: oktober 2006
GFA: 360 m2
Photography: Levien Willemse