Workstation Rijkswaterstaat A15


Workstation Rijkswaterstaat A15


A new work station for RWS is being built along the A15 motorway. The project consists of storage space for -among other things- 1000 tons of salt, rolling stock and a weighing station for the Dutch National Police Force (KLPD). This project entails the construction of a large covering under which all these functions will be accommodated.

Workstation Rijkswaterstaat A15
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

Program: storage spaces (salt, materials), workshops, offices
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
GFA: 1200 m2
Designteam: Winfried van Zeeland with Bert Albers, Michel Roels (Rijksgebouwendienst)
Contractor: BAM Wegen/Civiel ZuidOost
Photography: Thea van den Heuvel

This design offers a large extent of flexibility (also in the future) and is a simple way to make a clear and powerful statement in the architectonical sense: nice and tidy.
This is done by making a big industrial, cantilevered roof containing al the given program including transportation. A workstation similar to a filling station.
It could be an exemplary model for national uniformity.