Workstation Rijkswaterstaat A28


Workstation Rijkswaterstaat A28.


To express the unity, efficiency and expediency of Rijkswaterstaat as an organisation the aim of the design is to make a building volume as compact as possible integrating all its functionalities of the program.

Workstation Rijkswaterstaat A28 Zwolle
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

Program: Offices, storage space (salt, materials), workshops
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
GFA: 5455 m2
Designteam: Winfried van Zeeland with Michel Roels (Rijksgebouwendienst)
Contractor: Bouwbedrijf Salverda, ’t Harde
Photography: Thea van den Heuvel

The way to organize and express the program as compact as possible is by making one big roof, hovering over the enclosed parts of the program. Underneath all the different spaces, indoor and outdoor are organized.
Everything under one roof.
The roof in itself is like a landscape: lower when it is possible, higher when needed.
Lowcost materialization is combined with strategic transparency, flexibility in the office space and sustainable solutions regarding maintenance and surroundings.